Facial expression, the look on one's face, often conveying a particular emotion.
One's facial expression has always been an important aspect of breaking. Sasa mentions using specific facial expressions while dancing . In the mid-1970s, according to the Almighty KG,

By 2005, sets could be seen punctuated with a "Bruce Lee grin or a mocking Maori tongue" .
The scowl is particularly common in breaking, and hip hop in general (e.g. famous photographs of Kase 2 and Biggie). An early description of Afrika Bambaataa reads, "in his many snapshots from the period, Bambaataa looks young, lean, and angry, his eyebrows fused in a permanent scowl of disapproval—just the sort of look designed to intimidate whitey" . The scowl may have been a result of the environment in which breaking was created, as Puffy would assert in 1994, "in street life you're not allowed to show if you care about something, you've got to keep that straight face" . Schloss similarly theorizes that, "this basic survival mechanism has become abstracted as part of the b-boy dance," reflecting the ideal "that one should be intense yet totally in control [...] They should not only be prepared to battle at any time, but they should look it" . Vernon observes that "it is of prime importance to appear untroubled either by the difficulty of one's moves, the prowess of one's opponent in battle, or the unique pressures of the ritual environment" .
A well-known facial expression is Ken Swift's "mad mugsy," characterized by a puffed-out lower lip. Fabel relates that Ken Swift drew inspiration from Bruce Lee , while the name was references the eponymous Looney Tunes character. It might be added parenthetically that "the first mugsy Character that Doze ever made was drawn from Ken Swift's Mugsy B-boy pose" .
There are differing opinions on making eye contact with an opponent. Ken Swift recalls that there was not a lot of eye contact in 1978, as it was considered disrespectful, but notes that
- Edited for clarity.