Halos by ABgirl .

Halo, power move, a roll around the head starting and ending in a baby-like position.


The halo was developed by Icey Ice in 1983 . The name, in use by 1985 , was derived from the halo-like outline traced around one's head, where it contacts the floor , similar to the track. Indeed, other names for the halo were "track" and "airtrack." A rotation around the head clockwise stabbing with the right hand (or counterclockwise stabbing with the left) is the standard halo, while the opposite direction can be considered a variation.


Double Halo

Halo with two rotations between the hands touching the ground. The triple halo, quadruple halo, etc. are similarly defined. Lil Cesar and Orko did quadruple and quintuple halos with a drilled technique .

Drilled Halo

Also straight-leg halo, deadman halo. Halo with legs together and straight.

Inside Halo

Also reverse halo. Halo with the rotation around the head clockwise stabbing with the left hand, or counterclockwise stabbing with the right.

Munch Halo

Halo with legs tucked into the chest and kicked out during the rotation, as in a munchmill.


Baby float with motion through a headstand when shifting from the stabbing to non-stabbing arm, somewhat resembling a halo. The non-stabbing arm maintains contact with the side of the leg. Developed by Naytron by 2002 .

One-Hand Halo

Halo where only one hand touches the ground. Done by Lil Alex in 1984 .

Shoulder Halo

Halo starting and ending on one shoulder, where the hands do not touch the ground.

Slow-Motion Halo

Alternating baby and halo freezes, somewhat resembling a halo. Developed by Crumbs by 1998 .
